Для активации перейдите по ссылке из письма которое пришло от нас на вашу почту
- $1,462 Собрано
- $10,217 Осталось
- 450 Cпонсоров

Fatah ul Islam Mosque


A mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquake

A mosque and a school were built nearby

Ibadurrahman Mosque

Ibadurrahman Mosque

Ibadurrahman Mosque

A mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquakeA mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquake

A mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquake

A mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquake

Second mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquake

Second mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquake

Second mosque in the mountains of Morocco for residents of a tent city affected by the earthquake
- $1,462 Собрано
- $10,217 Осталось
- 450 Cпонсоров