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Secondary school Tatar language of instruction "Muzaffari"
Repair school for girls
  • $1,760 Собрано
  • $38,909 Осталось
  • 201 Cпонсор
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The idea of creating Muslim schools for girls with the Tatar language education belongs to mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullin. The role of women in preserving the true values of Islam and national traditions is difficult to overestimate. The female face of the nation. Woman is the soul, the support, the light and warmth of the family. She is the mother. Any nation draws the life force of the family originates from there spring leading into the future. The school project "Muzaffari" aimed at educating girls, future mothers, keepers of our traditions.


In Kuryane said: "O people! Verily We have created You male and female and made people and plenumi, that you may know each other". From this ayah it becomes clear that Islam protects the ethnic identity and ethnic diversity that exist within Islamic and Sharia norms. Everything is created by God and nature, and people – cannot be changed by human efforts – this is the principle on which is based the Islamic approach to the national question. That's why it's so important to preserve national identity, traditions and native language. With this purpose, the Spiritual administration of Muslims of Tatarstan on the initiative of the mufti of Tatarstan Kamil Hazrat Samigullina started realization of the project of the Muslim school for girls "Muzaffari" in Kazan. The school will become a private educational institution "secondary school with Tatar language of instruction "Muzaffari". It is noteworthy that the school will be based in the building which is a heritage site of religious significance "Madrasah "Mozaffari, 1888." It was transferred to the ownership of MRB RT in September 2017. The decision of the mufti building will continue its historic mission – to prepare the Tatar national elite. Today by the muftiat announced the collection of funds for construction and repair work. To support the project through crowdfunding platform HalalStarter.

  • $1,760 Собрано
  • $38,909 Осталось
  • 201 Cпонсор
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