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- $67 Собрано
- $13,264 Осталось
- 37 Cпонсоров
See how the Creator shows the need to preserve the proportions of the temporal and the eternal, speaking in the Quranic verse that some followed the precepts of their Prophet as long as it is personally profitable for them, try every means to usurp someone else: And, among them, [weak and hypocritical] there are those who seek out the faults and curse you [Prophet] concerning material contributions [zakatnyh resources. If they would of given them [zakatnyh funds
One of the components of zakat specified in the Quran, with details and direct, not an indirect narrative, and this contingent of people, social groups who are paid the zakat, to whose needs it is spent. Mentioning it in His final Scripture, the Lord of the worlds points to the importance of this aspect and knowing the intricacies of human nature provides the believer the right to decide and determine the categories of people and purposes for which expended funds collected as zakat.
- $67 Собрано
- $13,264 Осталось
- 37 Cпонсоров