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- $158 Собрано
- $44,281 Осталось
- 53 Cпонсора
"The need for a women's madrasa is long overdue. We conduct educational courses and activities for girls and women. Now I hope with the help of God by the efforts of community members to construct the building. It will be one-story with all the necessary facilities," - said Muslim Suyunov. He noted that in all 5 Muslim communities Pallasovsky district have been preaching aimed at the prevention of radicalism and extremism. The sermon was read by imams, madrassas. This activity was widely covered by local newspaper "Dawn". It is also important that the MROM of pallasovki and Pallasovsky district conducts a lot of social work. Community members visit nursing homes and children's orphanages, providing all possible assistance and support. This is an important factor of inter-confessional interaction, contributing to the creation of a positive image of Muslims.
In the regional center of Volgograd region, Pallasovka local Muslim organization wants to build a madrasah for women. Men's madrassah in Pallasovka has been in place for about 2 years.As told to the correspondent of the Imam and the Chairman of MROM G. Pallasovka Muslim Suyunov during the academic year the madrasah has about 25 school-age boys. Three residents Pallasovki the others are from Muslim families Pallasovsky district. Students study the Arabic language, tajwid, fiqh and other Islamic disciplines. The classes are two Imam-teacher Ahmad Hazrat Sarsenbaev and Ilyas Hazrat Kapashev. School education course madrassahs students are in urban schools №№2 and 17. School teachers come daily to madrasah to help students with homework.
- $158 Собрано
- $44,281 Осталось
- 53 Cпонсора