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Payment of sadaqa Fitr 2017
Doom Moscow
  • $201 Собрано
  • $10,908 Осталось
  • 19 Cпонсоров
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Старт проекта 21 Мау 2017

Fitr-sadaqa becomes wajib with the advent of the dawn of the day of Eid al-Fitr. It is best to pay the Fitr-Sadak, from daybreak until the beginning of the holiday prayers.


The meeting participants determined the amount of zakat ul-Fitr (charity paid at the end of a fast) and fidyah-sadaqa (redemptive almsgiving). The size of the Fitr-Sadak in Moscow 100-500 rubles per person.

  • $201 Собрано
  • $10,908 Осталось
  • 19 Cпонсоров
Сбор закрыт напомнить
Старт проекта 21 Мау 2017