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Construction of 5 wells in Niger
Earn thawab of Sadaqah-Tul Jariya
  • $4,585 Собрано
  • $-974 Осталось
  • 293 Cпонсора
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Старт проекта 11 Қан 2018

As-Salamu Alaikum, dear friends! My name is Rasul Tadarakov. I hasten to inform you that I made a decision, and soon, with the permission of Allah I will go to the poorest continent on the planet, one of the poorest countries - Niger. In this country I intend to visit our brothers and sisters who live in disastrous conditions of poverty and misery. 70% of the housing stock in this country is huts made of reeds. People have no Essentials - no water, electricity, medicine. Frequent droughts have brought people to the brink of survival. Residents haul water from wells located far from their homes. Every day, people spend a few hours just to deliver water from the source to their homes. You just think that part of your life you spend just to quench his thirst with water! And in some cases unsuitable for drinking and causing infection and disease with fatal outcome.Next, I intend to visit Muslims from the Central African Republic, who live in refugee camps on the territory of the Republic of Chad. In the CAR Balaka militants staged a real genocide of the Muslim population, similar to that organized government of Myanmar with the Rohingya Muslims, only add to this that the Balaka militants are not only killing and burning Muslims and eating their flesh, literally. These maniacs keep local residents in the labor slavery, and women - in sexual. Shamelessly they kill young children, and it all happens in the eyes of the world community, which not only observes, but also pits the peoples in their Mercantile purposes. We, Muslims of Russia, of course, can't stop these conflicts, claiming millions of lives of our brothers and sisters, but we can ease the situation of those who are still alive, to show solidarity with the oppressed people and contributed to saving their life. You can also take part in our project and to donate funds for a well or products. In conclusion, we ask Allah to help all the persecuted, oppressed and insulted, and asked to establish peace and justice on Earth. Amen. As-Salamu Alaikum WA Rahmatullah.


Briefly about the situation with water supply in the world: according to the United Nations, 2.4 billion people live in poor sanitary conditions, over a billion people, one sixth of the earth's population, suffer from a lack of drinking water annually from water shortages to die. 5 million. And for the most part the children are dying. In Africa, the shortage of drinking water was one of the reasons for the lag in the growth and development of hundreds of thousands of children. In Africa man has to spend on average 5 hours a day in search of drinking water. The situation is more than regrettable. One by one we will change these figures, but by joint efforts we will succeed to facilitate the existence of our brothers and sisters. To give the faithful the well is one of the good deeds that Muslims have made in the time of the Blessed Prophet (sallallahu ' alayhi WA Supreme and welcomes). But today, in the conditions of modern urban life we will not be able to do it again. And now we really have the opportunity to literally help build wells in places where they are really needed. The money raised for this project will be aimed exclusively to the aid of our brothers and sisters in African refugee camps and poor areas, where the problem of access to drinking water is most acute. Video reports from construction sites will be published here on this project page, in the section “news”.

  • $4,585 Собрано
  • $-974 Осталось
  • 293 Cпонсора
Сбор закрыт напомнить
Старт проекта 11 Қан 2018